
tiny wiki ssg

A wiki-style static site generator

Written in go, inspired by ter.

# Features

pher aims to match ter’s goals and features, but there are a few differences:

# Installation

$ go install

# Usage

Usage of pher:
  -c string
        Path to config file (default "config.yaml")
  -d    Dry run---don't render (default false)
  -i string
        Input directory (default ".")
  -o string
        Output directory (default "_site")

# Configuration

# atom feed options
title: "" # wiki title
description: "" # wiki description
url: "" # external link to the wiki (https://...)
authorName: "" # author's name
authorEmail: "" # author's email

# rendering options
rootCrumb: "~" # render root link in navbar with this string.
codeHighlight: true # render code with syntax highlighting.
keepExtension: true # render hrefs with .html extension
head: "" # String to inject inside HTML <head>

# footer links, leave empty e.g. `footer: []` to disable
  - text: "license"
    href: ""
  - text: "feed"
    href: "/feed.xml"

# Frontmatter

pher reads in frontmatter in YAML format. Available fields and default values are:

title: "" # Entry's title
description: "" # Entry's description
tags: [] # Entry's list of tags
date: "" # Entry's date YYYY-MM-DD format
pinned: false # Pin entry at the top of the listing
unlisted: false # Remove entry from the listing
draft: false # Don't render this entry
toc: false # Render a table of contents for this entry
showHeader: true # Show the header (title, description, tags, date)
layout: "list" # Available values: "grid", "list", "log". Only effective for files.

# To do

# Ideas

# Notes

# Editing templates

pher embeds the templates in web/templates with go:embed. This means pher can run as a standalone binary. Unfortunately, to modify the templates, we have to recompile.

# Removing html extension

To strip extension using webservers, we might have to make the following adjustments:

location / {
  if ( $request_uri ~ "/index.html" ) {
    rewrite ^(.*)/ $1/ permanent;
  try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

Additionally, setting keepExtension: false will strip “.html” from href links. This might be necessary if you use weird browsers that break redirects.

# Credits